In this 60 minute demonstration, you’ll see first hand how KantataSX gives people across your services organization the clarity, control, and confidence they need to excel.
You’ll be guided through a day-in-the-life of 6 key services personas:
Managing Director, Service Performance Insight, LLC
Managing Director, Service Performance Insight, LLC
Managing Director, Service Performance Insight, LLC
Better Together
Kantata delivers purpose-built technology and services that transform how businesses do work with distributed teams, contractors, and clients. Leading companies partner with Kantata to integrate, refer, or provide additional solutions to our 5,000+ clients in 100 countries.
In this 60 minute demonstration, you’ll see first hand how KantataSX gives people across your services organization the clarity, control, and confidence they need to excel.
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Event detail explanation could go here - keep it to 2 lines max
Event detail explanation could go here - keep it to 2 lines max
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore
more detail subheading
Jeanne Ulrich
Managing Director, Service Performance Insight, LLC
Jeanne Ulrich
Managing Director, Service Performance Insight, LLC